Connect With Kyle

Kyle DiRoberts, PhD 

Degrees and Experience

  • Dallas Theological Seminary, Dallas Texas
    Ph.D., Theological Studies
  • Talbot School of Theology, La Mirada, California
    Th.M., Systematic Theology
  • Phoenix Seminary, Phoenix, Arizona
    M.Div., Biblical Communications

Published Works


DiRoberts, Kyle D. Prayer, Middle Knowledge, and Divine-Human Interaction. Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock, 2018.

DiRoberts, Kyle D. The Secret to Prayer: 31 Days to a More Intimate Relationship with God. Nashville: B&H, 2021.

DiRoberts, Kyle D. Unraveling Grace. Moody Publishers (Forthcoming)


DiRoberts, Kyle D., “Leadership: The Art in Leadership.” SAM Journal Final Issue Win/Spr, (2007).

DiRoberts, Kyle D., “Sounds of a Humble Heart.” Mature Living Magazine, (September 2021): 12-13.

DiRoberts, Kyle D., “Childlike Prayers.” ParentLife Magazine, (October 2021): 9-10.

DiRoberts, Kyle D., “Prayers, Kids, and Cookies.” HomeLife Magazine, (January 2022): 26-28.

DiRoberts, Kyle D., “The Prayer of a Humble Leader.” Outreach Magazine (November 17).

DiRoberts, Kyle D., “Critical Review of Finding God in the Waves: How I Lost My Faith and Found It Again Through Science.” Association of Christian Librarians 60:2, (2017): 196-99.

DiRoberts, Kyle D., “A Sacramental Reading of John 2-6 and the Extent of the Atonement.” Bibliotheca Sacra 179:713 (2022): 129-45.

Book Reviews

DiRoberts, Kyle D., “Review of The Unfinished Reformation: What Unites and Divides Catholics and Protestants After 500 Years.” Association of Christian Librarians 60:1 (2017): 124-25.

DiRoberts, Kyle D., “Review of A Man Attested by God: The Human Jesus of The Synoptic Gospels.” Association of Christian Librarians 60:1 (2017): 104.

DiRoberts, Kyle D., Glenn R. Kreider. “Review of Luis de Molina: The Life and Theology of the Founder of Middle Knowledge.” Bibliotheca Sacra 175:697 (2018): 126-28.

DiRoberts, Kyle D., “Review of The Essentials of Christian Thought: Seeing the World Through the Biblical Story.” Association of Christian Librarians 60:2 (2017): 223.

DiRoberts, Kyle D., “Review of Confess Your Sins: The Way of Reconciliation.” Association of Christian Librarians 60:2 (2017): 214.

DiRoberts, Kyle D., “Review of A Brief History of Sunday: From the New Testament to the New Creation.” Association of Christian Librarians 60:2 (2017): 208.

DiRoberts, Kyle D., “Review of Enriching Our Vision of Reality: Theology and the Natural Sciences in Dialogue.” Association of Christian Librarians 61:1 (2018): 118-19.

DiRoberts, Kyle D., “Review of Living Wisely with the Church Fathers.” Association of Christian Librarians 61:2 (2018): 288-89.

DiRoberts, Kyle D., “Review of Death in Second-Century Christian Thought: The Meaning of Death in Earliest Christianity.” Association of Christian Librarians 61:2 (2018): 277.

DiRoberts, Kyle D., “Review of Forged From Reformation: How Dispensational Thought Advances the Reformed Legacy.” Association of Christian Librarians 61:2 (2018): 283-84.

DiRoberts, Kyle D., “Review of Matthew: Interpreted by Early Christian Commentators.” Association of Christian Librarians 61:2 (2018): 290-91.

DiRoberts, Kyle D., “Review of Handbook of Denominations in the United States.” Association of Christian Librarians 62:1 (2019): 56-57.

DiRoberts, Kyle D., “Review of Holding Faith: A Practical Introduction to Christian Doctrine.” Association of Christian Librarians 62:1 (2019): 59.

DiRoberts, Kyle D., “Review of Gospel Witness: Evangelism in Word and Deed.” Association of Christian Librarians 62:2 (2019): 148-49.

DiRoberts, Kyle D., “Review of Knowing Our Faith: A Guide for Believers, Seekers, and Christian Communities.” Association of Christian Librarians 62:2 (2019): 150-51.

DiRoberts, Kyle D., “Review of Bridging Theory and Practice in Children’s Spirituality.” Association of Christian Librarians 63:2 (2020): 139-40.

DiRoberts, Kyle D., “Review of A Practical Primer on Theological Method: Table Manners for Discussion God, His Works, and His Ways.” Association of Christian Librarians 63:2 (2020): 138-39.

DiRoberts, Kyle D., “Review of Mother to Son: Letters to a Black Boy on Identity and Hope.” Association of Christian Librarians 63:2 (2020): 140.

DiRoberts, Kyle D., “Review of Showing: What Pregnancy Tells Us About Being Human.” Association of Christian Librarians 63:2 (2020): 141-42.

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